Thursday, December 11, 2014

5am Musings

I'm a sucker for Facebook quizzes...especially between the hours of 4am and 5am. If you haven't already figured it out, I'm a (very early) morning person. My typical day starts at 3am because my body for some reason can't seem to understand the concept of sleeping in... Oh how I miss the days of my youth when my mother told me that I was wasting my day when I slept past sunrise. The upside to this situation is that I now call my mom every morning at 6:30 on my way to the office and remind her that she's wasting her day away because my call sometimes catches her before her alarm goes off. The other perk is getting quiet time in the morning before the kids are up (and responsibility sets in) to check e-mail, surf Facebook, read the news, catch up on my DVR recordings, and do silly quizzes as they roll across my Facebook feed. This morning I took a quiz about my most dominant character trait. I was not surprised by the result and I think anyone who really knows me well would agree with it:

Your Most Dominant Character Trait is Ambition!

You are a true fighter who knows that getting anything done the right way absolutely needs motivation and drive. When you have a goal or set a plan for yourself, there is no stopping you. You are a strong-minded individual who can accomplish anything within a given period of time. You are very passionate when it comes to things you're excited about and this is what makes you so reliable and effective with anything you set out do.
In my opinion, this is probably the best character trait to have when you are pursuing a career in the Foreign Service. Most of my friends and family describe me as "determined"...isn't that just another way to say I have a lot of ambition? 
So, if you're a sucker for silly quizzes and want to play along, you can find the quiz here. You're welcome. :)

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