Thursday, November 13, 2014

I Think I Just Had a Mini Heart-Attack

I've been laboring over my PNQs for awhile, but I have a very bad habit of procrastinating until the very last second to complete important tasks. I was down to only one PNQ to finish as of this morning. They aren't due for another week and 34 hours.

But, putting off finishing them has just been more stressful than I expected. Therefore, today I decided to finish the LAST question at lunch today. It took 7 rewrites to fit it into the character limit, but I FINALLY got it done.

I am excited to say that I have submitted my PNQs to the QEP as of 5 minutes ago. Once I hit the submit button, I think I had a mini heart attack. I feel relieved to have it done, but a little worried that I'm not going to make the cut because there are WAY more qualified people.

Now, I just wait...until probably January.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Analysis Paralysis

Sometimes the hardest part of doing something is just starting. The PNQs are proving to be my nemesis right now. BUT...the good news is that I started working on them over the weekend. After reading the questions, I became slightly paralyzed by the fear that I'm not good enough to be an FSO. My resume is not long or impressive and I did not do anything overly noteworthy in school. I would say I was about average. But then a good friend of mine reminded me that I DID do something remarkable. I managed to juggle a full-time job and finish law school while raising 2 small children... she challenged me to find someone else who has those kind of management skills. I guess she has a point. And her words were enough to get me off my ass and just START. So I'm about half done with the PNQs now. I hope to have them finished this weekend so that I can circulate them to my references for an outside perspective.